I sent an email a few weeks ago to Trey regarding my morning experience with Peyton & Nolan. He forwarded it again to me today b/c he said he reads it when he needs a laugh. I thought I better post it. I still remember it vividly...
So this morning- Nolan was up at 6:15. He came into our room and said to me, "Wake up." He then proceeded to tell me he wanted to color. I crawled out of bed, went to the kitchen and got his crayons and coloring book. Got that set up for him on the couch and asked if he wanted to watch Dora. He said Yes. Went back to bed (because the clonipan KICKED MY TAIL) and he was moaning and whining that he didn't want to watch Dora. He wanted to watch "the lion". I was guessing he meant the movie The Wild. I turned it on, fast forwarded to the lion and asked if that's what he wanted. He said, "yes." I went and laid down for about twenty more minutes. He came back asking for milk. I had to get up AGAIN and go to the kitchen. I gave him his milk and went to lay back down. I only had about 8 minutes left to sleep at this point. So I just got out of bed and took a shower. I'm taking a shower and minding my own business when the curtain pulls back and Nolan says, "What are you doing?" I said, "Mommy is taking a shower. Can you please go and color me a picture?" He agrees and leaves. I get dressed, blow dry my hair. By this point it is 8:15. Peyton stumbles into the hallway asking for cake. I manage to refocus him to something else. He's looking for his "rocket" that has gone missing at this point. I get him dressed (and somewhere in the earlier madness I got Nolan dressed.) We are all about ready to go. Nolan shouts, "Potty!" So I take him to the bathroom. Pull his pants down. Turds fall out. Thankfully they mostly fall into the toilet. I had to clean the other up. He flushes. I figured he was done and started getting him put back together. He shouts, "Potty!" I asked, "do you need to potty again?" He said, "Yes." I put him back up there and sure enough he pees. I get him dressed AGAIN - everyone has on their shoes - now it's time for jackets. I put Peyton's jacket on. I asked Nolan if he wanted his jacket and he said, "no." But then he changed his mind and said, "yes." I put on his jacket. Then he insists on milk and peyton asks for kepsi water - BLUE kepsi water. I get their drinks. I take them outside, load them in the car. Go back inside to get my coffee and toast and work bag and out the door I go. I get the boys to school and haul tail downtown to my 9:00 appt. I think I was only a few minutes late. So how is YOUR day going?!?!?!
54 minutes ago
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