Monday, April 27, 2009

Random pictures

We went to visit my mom and dad this weekend. We all had a great time! Here are pictures from the weekend (minus two that were totally random at home).

Heading off to find something else to play on at the park!

Nolan leaving the big slide.

Peyton sleeping with his monster trucks

SOMEONE had powder sugar donuts!

Climbing at the new Duncan park


Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's After church


Nolan carrying his sheep

"Sit, sheep. Sit!"

He spotted me.

An unorthodox way of sliding

Discussing how they are going to send the sheep down the slide

Peyton with his airplane he made at church


Nichole Devescovi said...

Oh my better hang on to those boys...they are going to be heartbreakers for sure...such cute little guys!