Yesterday during our most recent heat wave, I went for my 4 mile jog. Trey was getting the kids and then coming to the house to pick up their bag and then going to drop them off at his mom's. He asked me to pack the bag and set it on the porch and he would just grab it and go. No problem! So, I did that and then decided to go ahead and get my jog over with so I could come home and paint the bathroom before the kids got back. I gathered my ipod and left the house - door unlocked. Trey passed me while I was running when he came to get the bag and then he passed me again on the way to his mom's. We had not finished discussing what he was planning to do. He had mentioned seeing Gran Torino or going to play Par 3. So I wasn't sure where he was headed but I was about halfway through my run so I figured I'd text him when I got back home.
Well, I finished my run. He wasn't back by the time I got there and I got scared. I thought, "what if he locked the door?" I didn't think much else about it. Got up to the front door. It was locked. Yep. And guess what? We keep the back door locked with the deadbolt and all of our windows are locked, too. There's no way in unless you break a window. Surprisingly I wasn't upset. I know he didn't mean to lock me out. My cell phone was inside and so were my car keys. I wasn't going anywhere. Thankfully my car was unlocked and I had two warm bottles of water that I could drink which was great since I was dying of thirst after running in the ridiculous heat.
I'm a busy body. If you know me, you know that's true. I sat on the front porch trying to relax and listen to my ipod but I just couldn't do it anymore. I had no idea how long Trey would be gone. I figured if he was at the movies or playing par 3, it could be a couple of hours. After about five minutes I was trying to think of what I could do to get back in my house. I went over to the neighbors' to use the phone but no one was home. Go figure. Then I just decided to walk to my brother's house. He lives about a mile and a half away. So as tired as I was after my 4 mile workout, I headed back out again. I walked about half a mile and decided that I would just go to Publix and ask if I could use the phone. I mean, I'm in there almost every day. I didn't figure they would mind. And the people at Publix are nice. Nicer than anywhere else. And by that point I realized that it was Thursday night and my brother was probably out drinking somewhere anyway so my chances of getting him at home were slim.
So, I made it to Publix - 1.25 miles of walking. Went in to customer service. Briefly told the guy what happened and asked if I could use the phone. He looked at me like I was homeless. I was a bit peeved. But he let me use the phone. Long story short, Trey was at Zaxby's and would come home and let me in. I decided to jog back home since it was mostly downhill and I could always use the extra burned calories anyway. So,add another 1.25 miles to my 4 (which was actually almost 4.5 since I went over my 4 mile goal). Trey strolls up in his jeep right near the house and says, "You had locked the door." Wrong. VERY WRONG. "no, I left it unlocked. I didn't have my keys or anything. I always leave it unlocked when I go running." We didn't discuss it anymore. I wasn't angry. He agreed he didn't remember it being locked. I just wanted to eat. and use the bathroom. I had been out for over 2 hours in the scorching heat.
It was a long day. My legs were killing me this morning. I downloaded my runs onto Nike+ last night. I went nearly 7 miles in both workouts combined. That's a lot of mileage on these already sore legs of mine.
So, the moral of the story? Make sure you have a spare key somewhere. I wished I would have had one yesterday and we used to have one but I have no idea where it has gone off to. After I recovered enough to run to the store last night, I went straight to Lowe's and had a key made. Better safe than sorry - next time!
1 hour ago
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