Happy 4th Birthday Peyton & Emily!
Dear Peyton,
You're asleep on the couch. Daddy let you sleep there since tomorrow is your big day. Nolan is in there, too. You're watching Madagascar. You're as happy as can be. I couldn't ask for more.
You are a sweet boy. You have a sensitive heart. You're caring. You're already four. I can't believe how fast you're growing.
Your hair is nearly white. Your skin tans like your daddy's. You're definitely not pale like mommy. But just to keep me satisfied, you love fruit just as much as I do.
Your favorite thing right now is monster trucks. It's your daddy's fault. He took you to your very first Monster Jam show at the Colonial center a few months ago and ever since then you've been hooked. Just recently you spent a night at the Greenville raceway with daddy and Grandpa watching all of the super fast cars on the race track. You even made them sit on the front row. You were in heaven.
I don't always go to the loud truck shows since I'm keeping Nolan, but we have had many date nights at the Edventure Museum. We go every month on family night. Usually we start at a dinner place of your choice and then we go to the museum. You love the bridge most and you also like the boat with the fish. Even though you are afraid of heights, you have recently become brave enough to go up the staircase to the second floor on your own. I have not had to carry you. This makes me so excited when you do new things but it also makes me sad. My baby boy is growing up. But I am always proud of your accomplishments. I know this time I have to teach you all of the new and exciting things won't last forever. So we do everything we can in the meantime. Just last week you put on the fireman coat and shoes at the museum. You're coming out of your shell. You even sat in the front of the fire truck and pretended to drive. I was bursting with pride. Sometimes I don't know where to put all of this happiness you give me.
You're a very tall boy. Handsome, too. Many people warn me that I will need a bat to keep the girls away. I have to agree. Those big blue eyes and that blonde hair would melt anyone's heart. And that sweet spirit of yours (that you got from your daddy) will certainly win them over.
You've recently shown your interest in dancing. And I don't mean real dancing, I mean jumping around to music. You and Nolan love to show off your skills. It leaves me laughing hysterically. It's precious and it melts my heart. Just like everything you do.
You are a great big brother to Nolan. You take care of him and nurture him. You help lead him. I am thankful. Mommy needs extra hands sometimes. It's nice to see you two playing together. Sure you have your moments, everyone does, but God certainly knew what He was doing when He brought you two together.
Peyton, your birthday is a special day. It's a time to celebrate your life. It's a time for us to thank God for who you are and who you will become.
I am more proud of you than you will ever know. I'm more blessed than I can ever imagine. Being your mommy brings me more smiles and laughs than I ever knew existed.
Thank you for being my sweet Peyton. Thank you for all the back rubs. You truly are an amazing gift to this world.
I love you. Happy Birthday sweet boy.
How sweet! What a great mom you are. Happy Birth Peyton.
i think back to the day that you called me on your way to greenville to have another ultrasound done! that seems like forever ago, and yet, it seems wrong that peyton is already 4 years old!! what a relief and a gift to know that, on that day (like every other day), God was sovereign!!!
happy 4th birthday peyton!
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