Friday, June 5, 2009

Congratulations on your new Gator. Now take this trash to the road!

Trey found quite a creative way to get Peyton to take the trash to the road - by loading it in the gator and letting him drive it to the road (supervised, of course). We loaded up the Gator, let Peyton drive to the road and he got out - unloaded and then headed back for more. He was so thrilled to help and we were equally thrilled to HAVE help.

We're starting them young, folks. Personally I'm tired of cutting the grass. :-)

(P.S. - we don't usually have this much trash but we accumulated A LOT of trash as a result of the huge birthday party from last week)

Loaded up and headed to the road

Parked and unloading

Getting out the big trash

Putting it where it belongs

Heading back for more