We took the boys to the water park at Saluda Shoals on Sunday. Neither one of them had ever been so we were all in for something new. It was VERY hot and sunny but we wanted to get the kids out of the house for a little while. Peyton was super excited. Nolan fell asleep in the car. We got there and unloaded the car. We got settled in our seats and told the boys to run on! Peyton ran about five feet and stopped. "Come on mommy!" He refused to go alone. Nolan refused to go AT ALL! Trey took Peyton and Nolan and went through the sprinklers. We moved our chairs closer to the water sprinklers and eventually Peyton worked up his courage and faced the sprinklers alone. Nolan, however, decided the water wasn't for him. He decided the playground was his place to be. So, Trey and I split up. I headed to the playground with Nolan and Peyton and Trey stayed at the water park. (They're like 50 feet from each other).
Nolan and I headed back to see what was going on and turns out Peyton had just had a collision with a much bigger kid. His chest and side were scraped pretty bad. We decided to pack it up and head home with fear that the public water (and goodness knows how dirty it is) would infect his open scratches. The boys weren't happy to leave but we felt it was in everyone's interest to head home (we all were getting a bit too much sun).
All in all, a fantastic Sunday afternoon. I'm planning to take Peyton back but may leave Trey and Nolan at home to spend some time together.
Enough rambling, here are the pictures!

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