After Kendall's party we went to Winnsboro to attend the Bethel Easter Egg Hunt. There was a great turn out - 20 kids I think! The boys had an absolute ball! There were lots of games, eggs with candy and balloons!

Holding hands...isn't that sweet?

All of the kids released balloons that had note cards attached to the end with an Easter message on it. Peyton was so excited to release his green balloon!

Here they all are going towards the sky!

Going down the slide.

Nolan on the playground

Peyton looking at the lizard

This lizard created a lot of fun for Peyton & the other kids

Sliding fun!

Nolan about to head down the slide

Peyton standing with the big kids (which is huge for his shy self)

Cracking open the eggs to see what he won

A boy and his bucket

Getting help from daddy with the egg

"I found one!"

Taking the candy out

On your mark, get set, GO!

They played duck duck goose. It's blurry but you can see Peyton in the striped shirt.

He actually ran around twice - he had never played duck duck goose and had no idea what he was doing! But he loves running so it's all good!
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