Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a last minute change in plans for Easter due to being overscheduled! We had planned to go to my mom and dad's and spend the night there like we usually do but after the Easter Egg hunt in Winnsboro, we were just too tired! So we stayed at home that night and the Easter Bunny came to visit us in Irmo! We got up, checked out the goods and then left for Spartanburg. We went to church with mom and dad and then went back home for lunch and the big Easter Egg hunt with all of the cousins! It was fantastic! Peyton & Nolan racked up about $10 in the eggs that they found so we promised them a trip to the toy store. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for such an amazing Easter! We all had a blast.

Peyton's Easter Basket

Nolan's Easter Basket

Their baskets and new race track!

Excited Peyton!

Checking out the rocket bubbles!

Checking out the goods

All dressed up for church

Check out Nolan - he posed like that himself!

Grandpa trying to get Nolan to rub the decorative yard rabbit

Peyton is the king of swinging

Talking with Grandpa

Wonder what they're talking about?

Some of the eggs

Peyton finding eggs

Nolan chasing down the eggs

Found one!

...and another one!

Another for Peyton

...and another!

A whole bucket full!

Big smiles after the egg hunt

Making sure not to drop his eggs

Peyton found "coins" in his eggs!

Nolan found money and candy!

Crackin' it open!

Keeping all of his goods together!

On the hunt..

A Peyton Manning - in training?!?!?!
(No sunshine at all! Great job Peyton)

Wow that's a big chocolate bunny!

Nolan playing with his race car


Nichole Devescovi said...

Great pictures and commentary! Looks like you guys had a blast! I can't believe how big your boys are getting!

The Browns said...

Oh my word. Those pictures and little boys are so cute!!!