NC State was the last stop on our trip before heading home and we didn't have much time (which turned out to be ok b/c it wasn't nearly as architecturally impressive as Duke or UNC).
I always love the flags on the sidewalks, regardless where we are. NC State didn't fail here.

This is a building that we found when we were a bit lost (trying to find the bookstore). It was the prettiest building which isn't saying much. And let me add - there was NO ONE on campus. It was the weirdest thing. Both Duke and UNC were having orientation (and turns out NC State was, too) but until we got to the Bookstore, there wasn't hardly a soul in sight. And trust me, that's a weird feeling when you're on a college campus.

I think I was turned off by the college because of all the brick. Brick buildings were everywhere. Nothing was spectacular or amazing - just plain and simple. It's hard to live up to Duke and then the stadium at UNC. Speaking of the stadium, we didn't get to see NC State's because it was off campus. Probably another reason why I felt so let down.

My favorite part of the college - this brick tower. How can you NOT love this? It was great!

After this we hit the bookstore and then made our way back to Spartanburg to pick up the kids and then an hour and a half later we were home in Columbia. We started our day at 6am and drove about 8 hours total, went to see a Duke doctor, visited the campuses of Duke, UNC, NC State and had meals at Chick Fil A, Nosh (Durham), and Waffle House. When we picked up the kids, I even caught fireflies with them for a while. It was a long day but it was a great day. Pictures of Duke and UNC to come!

A tour of some ACC schools? Very impressive! j/k A visit to Clemson planned anytime soon? I can be your guide :)
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