My running has come to a screeching halt. I've been having major back problems which have landed me routinely at the chiropractor so I'm doing low impact for now - no running. So, the dam run is certainly in limbo. Guess we'll see. I've been out of commission for probably 2+ weeks now. Probably right after I made the post about running. I supposed I jinxed myself. Go figure.
Football has started back. If you know me, you know what this means. For those of you lurkers, it means I will not be around much. Caring for a three year old and four year old while traveling full time for work to SC, NC and GA takes up a lot of my time. Weekends are basically pointless since Trey gets home in the wee hours on Friday, Saturday he spends "recovering" (as do I), and then Sunday is all day meetings at the school while Mommy is back on full time duty with the kids. I dread this time of year every year. I also look forward to it. I love football. I really do. I just hate the amount of things that I have to juggle during this time of the year. Oh well. I've survived. I'll make it through this year, too. I'm just hoping they win some games this year. It seems a lot longer and much more painful when you lose every week. I'm just sayin'.
I still owe you all a post on UNC. It will come soon. Maybe tonight or tomorrow. It all depends on the kids. But it's coming. I promise.

Yeah! I'm glad you are back in least 70%. Enjoy today relaxing!
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